La Tahzan Wa La Khauf

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Rich Muslims, Poor Muslims

Topic: Rich Muslims, Poor Muslims

- A duty of a Muslim to spend his wealth firstly for his own expenditures, then his family members, then his immediate relatives and other persons who are under his care.

- Zakat is obligatory. Non-mandatory spending includes spending for sadaqah, tabarru’, waqf, wasiyyah, hibah (gift) or award and even lending money (qard) and other goods for charitable purposes.

- The concept of reasonable wealth for a Muslim, especially for a businessman or a professional, has therefore to fulfil the following criteria:
1. wealth which is more than what is required to satisfy a Muslim and his family’s daily needs;
2. sufficient to provide a reasonably comfortable life in a reasonably clean and beautiful environment;
3. sufficient to provide for the children’s religious as well as worldly education;
4. sufficient to expand his business in order to provide more and better services to his customers;
5. adequate to free him from unnecessary anxiety for the future so that he has ample time for the following pursuits:
a. to perform spiritual duties to Allah;
b. to provide love and care to his family;
c. to increase his professional knowledge.

- First of all, it is important to note that if a financially able person performed Hajj and he has extra money to give in charity for those who are financially unable to perform Hajj and at the same time he gives money to poor and indebted Muslims, then he will be abundantly rewarded for these great deeds.

- It is reported that Prophet (Pbuh) said: “untill four questions have been asked, no one will be allowed to move on the Day of Resurrection. Two of these are: How did you earn and how did you spend? Sovereignty of the property rests in Allah and mankind is only its custodian”.

Prophet (Pbuh) said.
“ He who has land should cultivate it. If he will not or cannot, he should give it free to a (poor) brother and not rent it to him”. (Al-Bukhari)

The Prophet said:
“An honest businessman will be gathered (on the Day of Judgment) together with Prophets, those who are true, those who uphold and fight for Islam and those are pious.” (Al-Tarmizi)

Remember what the Prophet stated:
“You do better to leave you heirs rich than to leave them poor and dependent on the help of other people.” (Narrated by Al-bukhari and Muslim)

Allah also advises the rich not to circulate their wealth only among themselves but as widely as possible among the community.

Allah reveals:
“And in their wealth. And possessions (was remembered). The right of the (needy), Him who asked, and him Who (for some reason) was Prevented (from asking). (Al-Dhariyat 51:19)

“So give what is due to kindred, the needy, and the wayfarer. That is best for those who seek the Countenance of Allah,..” (Al-Rum 30:38)

“Bandingan seorang mukmin dengan seorang mukmin yang lain bagaikan satu bagunan, kuat menguatkan antara satu sama lain.” (riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)


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